Time Management Lecture From Carnagie Mellon University

Lecture on time management given at Carnegie Mellon University by computer science professor Randy Pausch. This video is an hour and eleven minutes long, but well worth it. Since it is a lecture, you can leave this video playing in the background as you dutifly work on your search engine optimization projects.

Randy gives an outstanding lecture on managing your time, which is managing your life. Anyone can benefit from watching this video and I have watched/listened to it several times and keep getting more out of it.

The best part about this video is the speaker is not trying to sell you anything. I really miss the open, free flowing nature of information in universities. The web has a lot of free information, but very often someone is trying to use the content to sell you something.

So kick back and listen to an expert on time management help you understand how to organize your life and remember the speaker is not selling anything and has no financial gain

Topics included:
Use a day planner: no successful people have no schedule. Planning is the only way not to fail.

How to get off the phone: use excuse I have someone waiting for me.
If a telemarketer calls: ask for their home number and when they eat dinner and offer to call them back. Or hangup while you’re talking.

If you go on vacation don’t allow people to leave you phone messages. 60% of the time the problem will have been solved by the time you respond.

Learn to say no, this is an opportunity cost. If someone asks you to do something weigh the benefits against lost time.

Make your office comfortable for you and optionally comfortable for guests/visitors.

Benjamin Franklin Quote: it’s possible to make money but impossible to make more time.

Record the usage of your time – what are you doing that is wasting other peoples time.

Delegation is key.

See the CMU.edu website of Randy Pausch.


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