Wireless SMS Email Addresses

Find out the SMS email address to use to send short messages through your wireless phone carrier. All cellphones can receive text messages sent from any device including standard email.

To send an email to a mobile phone use the email address that corresponds to the users cell phone plan

Wireless email addresses

Virgin Mobile: 125 characters phone#@vmobl.com
ATT Wireless: 160 characters phone#@txt.att.net
Beyond GSM: 160 characters phone#@txt.att.net
Verizon Wireless: 160 characters phone#@vtext.com
Centennial Wireless: 160 characters phone#@cwemail.com
Cellular South: 150 characters phone#@csouth1.com
Cincinnati Bell: 50 characters phone#@gocbw.com
Boost Mobile: 140 characters phone#@myboostmobile.com
Tracphone: 140 characters Tracfone.com
Nextel: 140 characters phone#@messaging.nextel.com
Sprint: 160 characters phone#@messaging.sprintpcs.com
Tmobile: 140 characters phone#@tmomail.net
Ait Voice: 100 characters GSM:phone#@txt.att.net
Alltel: 140 characters phone#@message.alltel.com
Qwest: 185 characters phone#@qwestmp.com
Metro PCS: 185 characters phone#@mymetropcs.com
Cricket: 143 characters phone#mms.mycricket.com

If you are going to be texting on your cellphone, these are the short email addresses you need to give your friends. For more discount wireless phone plans, Amazon has wholesale cellphone rates available with family discount coupons.


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13 Responses

  1. the suggestions of using texts for marketing is bad – people dont like ads on their phones.

  2. I just stumbled upon a new way to optimize for mobile carriers, I have really enjoyed being able to create iphone websites.

  3. MTN charges R94.8 per MB (excluding VAT) and they charge in 25KB units, so if you download a website that is 33KB you will have to pay for 2 Units (33 / 25 = 1.32 which is then rounded up to 2).

    Cell data gets expensive fast.

  4. I can’t wait to get my chubby paws on an iphone so I won’t have to worry about asinine text charges.

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