2 Online Success Tips from Japanese Businesses

Every culture has general reasons that form the foundation of their success. Countries specialize at different things and have unique strengths.

Japanese happen to do 2 exceptionally well in the corporate business environment.

Japanese Business Strengths

>> #1. Kaizen – Strive towards continuous improvement and always be more productive
(testing, tweaking, doing better)

>> #2. Duplicate, don’t innovate. Duplicate the top selling products at a lower price and better quality. Steve Jobs of Apple Computer said that good artists copy, great artists steal.

Japanese companies typically dominate their competitors with cheaper products that are high quality, easy to use and readily available.


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3 Responses

  1. Success usually depends on your attitude towards your work and how you handle things accordingly. Oriental Race is not a significant feature when it comes to business but definitely your skills and knowledge on that certain field.

  2. Japanese folks are known to be emperor when it comes to business. They are all worth of praise because of their steadfast people. I will have it bookmarked for the great benefits I can have on it.:)

  3. Japanese business man or not, Japanese culture is worth the praise. Ever since, Japanese people are humble and are truly ready to sacrifice just to achieve their endeavors. This peacetime, they still dominate much success since their culture drives them to the limit to reach whatever their aims are.

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