Matt Cutts Advice To Rank #1 in Google
Matt Cutts is the godfather of the Google search engine, and has dictatorial power over what is allowed in the natural search results. Normally he holds his cards close to his chest and is reluctant
Matt Cutts is the godfather of the Google search engine, and has dictatorial power over what is allowed in the natural search results. Normally he holds his cards close to his chest and is reluctant
Misleading linkbait title aside, the real title of this video is “Can you benefit from content scraped from your website”. The premise is that if some content is copied automatically from your site, presumably this
Matt Cutts gives his State of the Index recap for last year. Topics include Google Chrome voice recognition OCR for PDF’s that are not text SearchWiki Google Trends – this is an amazing tool that
Serious controversy in SEO land. Google is handing out manual penalties by the truckload, and fellow SEO’s are steamed. SEO’s are like soldiers on the front line, we always get hit first and take unrelenting
Mike Mcdonald did an excellent interview of Google employee Matt Cutts and former Google employee Vanessa Fox. These are two of the most notable figures in the search engine optimization world and they casually reveal