Search engine optimization review for
Free Credit Report clearly had a weak search engine optimization effort into their site. Experian has spent millions of dollars on Television advertising and created a strong brand for their product. The problem they faced was is really just a single landing page with no supporting content. Great type in and domain name search value, lousy natural search engine ranking.
So did Experian create dozens of quality content pages to backup their homepage? Unfortunately no. They weakened their brand perception and spammed the bottom of the homepage, simultaneously insulting their users and search engines.
Here is the top half of This is a very nice landing page with well placed conversion elements and usable text usage. There is a clear call to action and an engaging photograph of an attractive person.
Here is the bottom of the Free Credit Report homepage. Notice it is plain text, keyword stuffed and not meant for human users:
Don’t be like Experian and cheapen the website you’ve spent millions of dollars to brand. Spend a few thousand and hire a quality SEO. View this online credit lead generation site at
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