How To Properly Create A Link

Links are the nerve center of the pulsating web. Links create the internet and add value to your site. Links to you improve your natural search engine placement, and links you create to others enhances your value as an authority on your subject.

When linking to external websites it is best to use meaningful keywords as the anchor text instead of a generic “click here”. Also using the title element gives the link more weight.

How to code a regular text link:

Where to find a quality <a href=”” title=”company fruit”>Apple Distributor</a> that can deliver tasty fresh fruit.

How to create a powerful image link:

<a href=”” title=”company fruit”><img src=”images/apples.jpg” alt=”green apples on a tree”>Apple Tree</a>

When linking an image, always try to have anchor text associated with the image. This will give the image much more authority and virtually guarantee it will be included in image searches, which can drive huge volumes of traffic. Alt tags are always nice, but they are only effective if the image is linked. Search engines (rightly so) ignore alt text if the image is not linked.


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