Intel Using Low Budget Link Building Strategy

I just received a link request email for a great offer linking to Intel. I thought I misread the company name, but it is indeed the behemoth computer chip manufacturer.

This is a really low budget way for Intel to go about getting more links, and I thought they could be a little creative and try to use some Digg spam bait to get more links. Intel just got hit with a 1.45 billion dollar fine from the EU so they must have had to slash their search engine optimization budget.

The email is below:

Software 3 Way- Link Partner Proposal !

Dear Webmaster,

My name is ANDY, marketing manager of website. I really liked your site 🙂 So, I thought why not we do link exchange ?

Due to the possible harming nature of too many reciprocal links we suggest non reciprocal links. You can link to us from your site and we will link back from another of our sites.

I can add your link here :: ( Any Inner Page )
OR ( PR 1 Content Rich).

If you are interested, please reply to this email and I will be happy to discuss our link exchange requirements.
Please add my site information under any Quality Inner Page. Here the our site details:

Link Title: business software
Link Url:
Link Description: Business Software Solutions with Intel’s Software Download Store, Special prices, Featured software downloads with superb discounts.

Again, awesome site!



I wonder how this 3 way link strategy is working for this multi billion dollar company. The top backlink listed is from HV Web Directory :: SEO Friendly Web Directory.

Intel should be proud of the money they are saving from having axed their online marketing department.



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6 Responses

  1. A company proposal is produced to reflect the professionalism of your organisation and is there to persuade a buyer that your goods or providers are useful to them. Along with any other collateral it’s the proposition which you are giving towards the client and what will hopefully win more function for that company.

  2. good job reporting on link building and how not to acquire bulk links. I really enjoyed your Intel article, thank’s for sharing these good lessons of how not to take SEO shortcuts:)

  3. Hi just stumbled your SEO site and I thank you for your link building article – it was interesting. I am interested about link building for my site too. Have you used the program? If so is it good? If not then what is the best tool?

  4. Just as one would expect from a large brand – but I can’t believe Intel would take shortcuts with search engine rankings.

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