Search engine optimization thoughts of the day.
monitor your own pages and see when people make changes. Evaluate your competition in real time with this simple tool codeMonitor.
Passion + knowledge = credibility
Business + Blog = personality
Video + Creative = Viral Love
Comments + Blogs = Exposure
Compassion + Freedom = PR Heaven
it’s not about the budget. It’s about your attitude.
The problem with SEO and PPC is making it a hope endeavor. You create your campaign and you hope that the person types the right keywords, hope that the searcher likes your product, hope that he/she is finding what he/she is looking for and hope they make a purchase.
HOPE is not a marketing strategy.
Create something unconventional & unexpected – marketing without making it look like it’s a sales pitch. Don’t spam, avoid a hard sell, participate (connect, don’t alienate), and contribute (put the community first) and be genuine.
Read more from the search engine marketing conference at the roundtable.