What Can Twitter Do For You?

twitter.jpgIn December 2008 Dell Outlet announced that it had generated $1 million through their twitter account. Dell posted computer specials and closeout deals to its Twitter feed and grabbed the attention of the web.

In the summer of 2008 Barack Obama announced his choice of vice president through a tweet.


What Twitter can do for your business

  • Building Community— creating a strong community of followers that
    ultimately help drive business objectives and bring in new customers
  • Customer Service— using Twitter to successfully engage with customers
    needing help
  • Selling— driving online and offline sales by using Twitter to post promotions,
    discounts and offers
  • Prospecting— creating demand and pinpointing potential customers needing
    the type of solution your product offers
  • Branding & Awareness— employing Twitter in creative ways to increase
    awareness around a product, person (celebrity) or business
  • Fundraising — spread the word about important causes


From a recent poll of Twitter marketers 83 percent said that they expect
their company’s use of Twitter to increase over the upcoming six months, 45 percent of respondents said that they saw Twitter as “somewhat important” to their business and 20 percent saw it as “extremely important.”

Twitter ranks second to blogs as the social media tool that delivers the most value.

Corporate Twitterers

  1. Branding and awareness was the most sought after use at 84%
  2. networking 78%
  3. community-building 77%
  4. Brand-reputation management was fourth with 51%
  5. customer service 44%
  6. prospecting 30%
  7. Direct Selling 20%
  8. use a corporate Twitter account to promote their business 36%
  9. use their personal accounts 30%

One of the best uses I have found is to get feedback and recommendations. I can tweet a very specific question and receive several detailed responses in less than 1 hour. Getting information and answers to complex problems makes this an invaluable communication tool for me.


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One Response

  1. Twitter is not simply status updates and bit.ly links! Twitter is a venue where you can advertise your brand or yourself in way to captivate and socially interact with your followers. Twitter, in essence, is about building online relationships with your followers. 

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