Will Smith on life, work and making meaning: “I want to do good. I want the world to be better because I was here.”
We grew up with the sense that where we were almost didn’t matter.
He has come a long way from DJ Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince, and his teenage television sitcom the Fresh Prince of Bel Air.
It takes a desperate obsessive focus to perform at the highest level.
I have a great time with my life, and I want to share it.
I love living, I think that’s infections and it’s something that you can’t fake.
The separation between talent and skill is the greatest misunderstood concept. Talent is natural, skill is only developed by hours of beating on your craft.
4 Responses
I wanted to say thank you to you for this excellent read about Will Smith – I love how he wants to add value.
I heard something about Will Smith a year ago – He truly is a great marketing. When he left T.V. and went to movies he found out what really was hot and it was action flicks. If you look at his history you can see that flicks like M.I.B. and Independence day etc…. special effects and talent.
.-= Jake Jacob´s last blog ..Part One: Trends in Social Media for the Coming Year =-.
Will Smith was a childhood hero, it sounds like he is a great self marketer. He was Hollywood’s most valuable actor last year.
I found this post while surfing for Will Smith’s early mp3s, I didn’t realize he was a philosopher.